About me
"Just a small town guy, livin' in a lonely world!"
General interests cover a wide range of topics including, but not limited to Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Distributed Systems, and the Architecture design required to support them.
Currently coding in Java, C#, JavaScript & SQLbuilding applications.
Also enjoy coding with Python & Kotlin functional and R statistical languages.
Test - Code - Refactor - Repeat
Technical Consultant Oracle
Full-time September 2016 - Present
SQL, Databases, Linux and Financial business SEPA
.NET Developer Dunraven Systems Ltd.
Full-Time June 2015 - August 2016
Developing Mobile Web Applications, Web Services, Desktop Applications
Honours Degree in Commercial Computing
Second Class Honours
1 Year Add-On (DKIT) September 2014Java, Android, Oracle, C#, SQL, Prolog, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Ordinary Degree in Software Development
Second Class Honours
3 Years Full-Time (DKIT) September 2013Java, Android, Oracle, C#, SQL, Prolog, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Hobbies & Interests
Technology: Coding, AI, Statistics amd Databases
Sports: Tennis, Football
Association: Coder Dojo mentor
D'autres loisirs plus vagues, complétez ici.
Contact Information
Please do not hesitate to contact for further queries:
- Dublin, Ireland
- 12 34 56 78 90
- my.adresse@email.ie
- www.my-site.ie
- Always Online
- Contact via form